Plastic and Styrofoam and derivatives such as melamine, is widely used at the time. Its break resistant making these materials widely used community and be a favorite.
The price is relatively cheap and attractive shape can make consumers glance at this material.
Though the packaging looks clean behind it there is great danger that threatens.
Plastics Polymers included in the class. Polymers are chains of atoms over a long, formed from a binder in the form of identical molecules called monomers.
Apart form of monomer, in plastics there are also supplemental materials. This additional material also must not exceed the standard.
Additives that could lead to excessive plastic can be dangerous.Moreover, if in the process of manufacture of plastic is not true, additives should be bound in the polymer chain will be separated out. Therefore, the plastic used for food must be made of materials that are for food. (From; Dr.MM. Sintorini Moedjoko, Kes., Head of Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of Trisakti).
At room temperature, the contact time between food and plastic long enough. Small molecular weight compounds derived from the additive can enter the food freely.
Styrrofoam so dangerous because it is made from grains Styrene, which is processed by using benzene. Though Benzene including substances that can cause many diseases.

Benzene can cause problems in the thyroid gland, disrupting the nervous system. Causing fatigue, accelerated heartbeat, difficulty sleeping, the body becomes shivering. In some cases, even Benzene can cause loss of consciousness and death.
Like other materials made of plastic base materials.

In the UK, the maximum use of formaldehyde is 2 ppm (parts per million) or 2 mg / l, while the United States set a maximum level of 1 ppm for long-term, 2 ppm for short-term.

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