Monday, June 20, 2011



Reforming the Workspace, it is not difficult if understood technique. Function may facilitate the search for the file at a later date, any table look beautiful and can create more focus in the work.

In arranging the work space should not be given entirely to the Office Boy, due to setting your file archive storage is more to know.The benefit when searching for files do not bother looking.

Here are 5 tips in keeping your work room:
Reestore In Place
Many types of goods and equipment in the work that you need. Its function is also a wide range. Preferably after it's finished goods and equipment used, immediately returned to its original storage. Habit of leaving items on the table should be abandoned, because in addition to making the table was full, can also slow your work.
Archiving system is a step usually carried out by agency offices and Individuals. Organize and store files based according to the type of project, date, month and year. This election actually did not have a fixed rule. To be sure the goal should allow you to search files.
Attach Label
The label is very important and helpful in the search for your file. Attach a label based on the letters of the alphabet and on a project basis. So you do not need to unpack the file. Live see the label and you can find.
Document localization
Document localization is a mandatory thing to do. Choose from the starting document that is often used to rarely used. If the file is commonly used mixed with a rarely used, you will be bothered in terms of clean files.
Tidy Drawer by Systematic
Drawer is a place that can accommodate a lot of stuff. You can create or put a box of small boxes where each box represents one type of goods. Usually the goods consisted of clips of books, paper clips, stationery, business cards and so on.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


A work space, as small and as simple as whatever remains must be qualified in terms of 'health' and comfort. Healthy space certainly can make your body physically more stable and 'hold' to linger longer work in your room. While the room is 'Comfort' can make your mind able to work more optimally.

To meet these two requirements, there are some elements that you need to consider:

A workspace should be equipped with a glass window of adequate size for optimal daylight illumination. Lighting the room with a 'minimal' will make you lazy meyalakan light, while your eyes have to work extra.
For the night, of course you need a lighting of the lamp. For General Lighting, choose a lamp with a white light evenly in every room so as not to cause shadows at some point. 
If you're forced to put your work space in the bedroom. Or you need extra light, you can use a desk lamp. Choose bulbs that are not too bright, because the position of the lamp is close to the eye. 

Workspace stuffy and hot will make you weak and tired quickly. Because it should work space has a wide opening that can be invited into the wind, at least during the day. Do not forget also the vents at the top of the window for air circulation when the window is closed.
If things you might not have adequate room openings, the alternative is you have to use air conditioning.

This can work when you are tired of thinking in the work so you can see sights such as pond water facilities, or overlooking the gardens that can make your mind refreshed.

The placement of tables and chairs work very important role. Should be placed at appropriate positions in front of the window because when you are tired of just raising his head to see the sights.

Creating a Comfortable Living Working at Home

In order for cells to brain cells to work diligently and maximum, we need a comfortable work space, with privacy, as well as inspiring. If all that is available, it is certain that the work of the great works can be born in your personal workspace.

Maybe there are so many reasons why a person should work inside the home. Working within the meaning of earning power. Could be because it has no alias has a business office that can be driven from the house

Whatever the reason you give, as long as you are often working in the home, of course you need space to work.
Here are some alternatives that you can make SPACE a work space:

1. A special room in a stand-alone
For those of you who have enough land.

2. Bedroom or near bedrooms
To you who have a small house but wanted
high privacy to the workspace.

3. In one corner of the house (rest room space)
For those of you who have a small house but not willing bedroom you bullied other activities.

4. Rear Garden In Page
For those of you who love the relaxed atmosphere in work activities.
Workspace atmosphere is also very personal, in accordance with the character of the person using it. What is clear this room to be Comfortable, Healthy, Neat and of course to look attractive. So you will not be embarrassed if you invite business associates or friends visiting your workspace.

Workspace also need to be equipped with furniture that meets the requirements according to the standard your comfort. So you can relax and work optimally.


Sunday, June 12, 2011



This time we will discuss about the sources of artificial light, the light produced from various types of lamps on the market.

The advantages of artificial light, of course, lies in a relatively fixed light intensity, measured and can be set position, direction and strength as needed.

General Lighting
General lighting can use natural light from the sun. But because the sun moves, in the morning maybe we get while in the afternoon light we lose light.
At the time the room will be very bright light, but when the dark clouds will tend to, so we need to add with artificial light that illuminates the room in general.
Calculating the intensity of public lighting is quite simple. We just try to install the lights with a particular strength. And trying to do some activities such as watching television, reading newspapers.If quite convenient means of lighting is good enough.
General lighting can usually be a main lamp in the center of the room, and the effect is around the fittings.
To flatten the intensity of light in the room, then the number of point lights can be expanded into several points on the distance a certain distance after the main point.

Lighting Layout

In a simple lighting layout can we divide into at least three positions, as follows;
1. Down lighting, usually planted on the ceiling and highlight down. Can also be placed on the wall and towards the room, the light can be made 
​​the focus of targeted or can be made ​​to spread.
2. Up Lighting, Light source can be from the point of light from the lamp on the wall or sitting or standing lamp directed up to the ceiling above which will be reflected into the room. The advantage is not going to direct light glare, and the intensity of light produced all directions evenly.
3. Wall Washer, called also the source of light which swept the wall.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011



"Dad ... I want the bedroom wall and desk pink wrote yes."
 said a girl of 10 years. 

That phrase is an expression of the desire of children who are often heard by the parents. 
They do this merely in order to feel comfortable in his room. 
The bedroom is a special room for them. 
They spent most of this the room. In addition to sleep and rest, the bedroom is also used as a place to conduct other activities, such as learning, playing, doing their hobbies to invite and entertain friends. 

Comfort for the child's bedroom decor is if they are in accordance with their tastes, and one of the most striking element is the color. 


Not only in choosing a color, it is recommended children are also involved in decorating his room, such as choosing colors. In addition to making children feel comfortable with decorating choices, also can develop creativity and actualization itself. "By giving the flexibility, the child will be more love in her room because it fell directly decorate it." 

Well, if the child is very like a doll, provided as a storage drawer. Or create a shelf of books designed to display interesting and funny book of children's favorite book. The result? children must be happy, because his favorite thing is always nearby. 
Essentially note Interests and Habits of the child before beginning to decorate. 

Furniture design interesting and funny not only make children happy, inspirational Furniture can also stimulate physical and mental development of the child. 


n designing a child's room, security issues is equally important. It is recommended to use furniture that is not too angular taper. "The use of materials and finishes should also choose the material and non-toxic. "

Also select wood floors (parquet), which tend to be warm and easyt o clean. If using a ceramic can be covered by carpet. Choose a carpet that is easy to clean, so do not become a den of mites that are harmful to children who have allergy.

Also, use wall paint a pretty good quality and are easily washed.So no matter which paint will erode when the child touched the skin, and easy to clean if soiled due to be drawn by a child. Understand it, kids are very fond of crossing out the wall or sweep the dirty hands on the wall.

Easy access is also worth noting. Store the goods was organized so easy to find and its size adjusted to the child's body. "Thus the child can learn to be independent in their activities and do not need help."


What color is ideal for a child's room? Each type has a characteristic color and distinctive role in shaping the mood. Sometimes gender  also affect a person's favorite color.

The color of soft colors, like pink, yellow, and orange is the color favored by girls. Color color is enough to give the impression of feminine, soft and supple. While the bedrooms for boys are usuallychosen a masculine color, like blue, gray, yellow, green, or red.

Pink and blue provide a calming effect, entertaining, and dampenthe emotions of the beholder. When looking at the color, the brain will produce norepinephrine, which can cause a sense of calm. Therefore the two colors is much-loved by children.